Thonon Culture Collection TCC

UMR Carrtel



27 October 2023

By: Isabelle Huguet


Sept 2023: Which barcode to decipher freshwater microalgal assemblages? Tests on mock communities by A. Canino
The main objectives of the TCC are to maintain cultures and uncultured samples of freshwater microalgae and to ensure their availability for :
The TCC DNA sequences are available at the Diat.barcode database
French microalgal collections with websites include :


  • The TCC  is part of:
    • OLA
      • Publication OLA: Rimet F, Anneville O, Barbet D, Chardon C, Crépin L, Domaizon I, Dorioz J-M, Espinat L, Frossard V, Guillard J, Goulon C, Hamelet V, Hustache J-C, Jacquet S, Lainé L, Montuelle B, Perney P, Quetin P, Rasconi S, Schellenberger A, Tran-Khac V, Monet G. The Observatory on LAkes (OLA) database: Sixty years of environmental data accessible to the public: The Observatory on LAkes (OLA) database. J Limnol [Internet]. 2020 Feb. 27 [cited 2021 Aug. 24];79(2). Available from: 
    • the BRC4Env, Biological Resource Centres for the Environment. It aims at storing and providing environmental resources (biological material and associated data), in a secure way and an optimal traceability. BRC4Env is one of the pilar of the French national infrastructure "Agricultural Resources for Research" (AgroBRC-RARe). Presentation of BRC4Env is published:
      • Mougin, C., Artige, E., Marchand, F., Mondy, S., Ratié, C., Sellier, N., Castagnone, P., Coeur D'Acier, A., Esmenjaud, D., Faivre-Primot, C., Granjon, L., Hamelet, V., Lange, F., Pages, S., Rimet, F., Ris, N., Salle, G. (2018). BRC4Env, a network of Biological Resource Centres for research in environmental and agricultural sciences. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI : 10.1007/s11356-018-1973-7
  • The cultures of the TCC collection have been sequenced, data are available at Diat.barcode
  • Sequence data are also available on the website of the R-syst network. R-syst is a national network of a dozen of research teams of INRA institute, working on molecular and morphological characterisation of organisms.
  • The TCC is registred into the WDCM: WDCM 1030 
  • The TCC is registred at the Global Registry of Biorepositories
  • Citation of the collection:
    • Rimet, Frédéric; Chardon, Cécile; Lainé, Leslie; Bouchez, Agnès; Domaizon, Isabelle; Guillard, Jean; Jacquet, Stéphan, 2018, "Thonon Culture Collection -TCC- a freshwater microalgae collection",, Portail Data Inra, V1